Jordanian Scientists & Technologists Abroad-JoSTA Network
Jordanian Scientists & Technologists Abroad - JoSTA Network
شبكة العلماء والتكنولوجيين الأردنيين في الخارج

Jordanian Scientists & Technologists Abroad-JoSTA Network seeks to reverse the brain drain of Jordanian scientists and technologists, by connecting them with their counterparts in Jordan, and by encouraging them to work for Jordan virtually or physically, through the implementation of joint research and development activities and joint business ventures.

Bringing scientists and technologists from different organizations and institutions and from different countries and providing them with platform, JoSTA will help in contributing to building scientific and technological base to serve the socio-economic development in the Kingdom.

JoSTA is an initiative launched by the Higher Council for Science & Technology (HCST), emanated from its vision. The HCST is a government organization, established in 1987 to build a national science & technology base and strives to enhance Jordanian capabilities in all fields of science & technology to achieve comprehensive and sustainable economic, social, and cultural development within the kingdom.


Achieving high economic growth and prosperity through partnership between Jordanian scientists and technologists abroad and their peers in Jordan.


Reversing Jordanians brain drain physically and virtually by enabling them to work with their peers in Jordan on joint R&D projects to build the capabilities of scientists and technologists in Jordan in fields of S&T and innovation, develop businesses, and create new startup companies.

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